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Definition And Meaning

Demonization: A Powerful Propaganda Technique

Definition and Meaning

Demonization is a propaganda technique that involves portraying a person, group, or idea as inherently evil or dangerous. It is often used to create fear and distrust, and to justify extreme actions.

Historical Examples

Demonization has been used throughout history to justify wars, persecutions, and other atrocities. Some notable examples include:

  • The Nazi propaganda campaign against Jews during the Holocaust
  • The American propaganda campaign against the Soviet Union during the Cold War
  • The Rwandan genocide, in which the Hutu government demonized the Tutsi minority

Modern Applications

Demonization continues to be used in modern times, both in political and social contexts. For example, politicians may demonize their opponents to gain votes, or activists may demonize certain groups to promote their own agendas.

Consequences of Demonization

Demonization can have serious consequences, including:

  • Increased prejudice and discrimination
  • Violence and conflict
  • Damage to reputation and relationships


Demonization is a powerful and dangerous propaganda technique that can have devastating consequences. It is important to be aware of this technique and to be critical of any information that seeks to portray others as evil or dangerous.
